Corte Madera Creek Flood Control Project: Frederick Allen Park Riparian Corridor
Client: Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
Location: Town of Ross, California
Dates: 2016-Present
walls land+water collaborates with geomorphDESIGN and Stetson Engineers to develop conceptual designs to reduce flood risk and enhance habitat on Corte Madera Creek in the Town of Ross for Phase 1 of the Corte Madera Creek Flood Control Program. The existing creek is a concrete flood control channel with little habitat value and fish passage issues. Hydraulic modeling and stakeholder input is being used to inform the conceptual designs of the naturalized channel and and floodplain park area, enhancing environmental values and public access to the creek, while containing higher flood flows. Note: images and graphics are conceptual and may not necessarily the most recent versions. For the most up to date information, see Ross Valley Flood Protection & Watershed Program.