Sunnyside Nursery Flood Diversion and Storage Basin

Client: Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
Location: Fairfax, California
Dates: 2016-Present

walls land+water collaborates with geomorphDESIGN and Stetson Engineers to develop conceptual designs, public outreach information, and information for the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for a flood diversion and storage basin along Fairfax Creek in Fairfax. The project is one component of the San Anselmo Flood Risk Reduction (SAFRR), and seeks to reduce flood risk to store floodwaters to reduce flood risk to downstream communities. The project involves the purchase of a 7.7 acre property adjacent to Fairfax Creek, which would be excavated and graded to allow high flows to be diverted into the basin. Note: images and graphics are conceptual and may not necessarily the most recent versions. For the most up to date information, see Ross Valley Flood Protection & Watershed Program.


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